UNVAIL lab participates in the ISARRA microSCALES field campaign on the Great Plains

August 2024: Dr. Adkins is appointed as a Senior Academic on the AAM Institute's Research Council

Dr. Adkins joins the American Meteorological Society’s (AMS) Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (JTECH) as an Associate Editor

UNVAIL Director pens op-ed in December Aerospace Testing International: How Understanding Microweather Unlocks the Potential of Drones

November 2023: Dr. Adkins is appointed to Florida DOT AAM Advisory Board

UNVAIL Team publishes results of field campaign validating the General Urban Area Microclimate Prediction tool (GUMP) funded by NASA and presents results at ISARRA conference in Bergen, Norway

Newest Lab-Developed VTOL Takes Flight!
The newest lap-developed VTOL UA takes flight. The design, development and construction of the UA was spearheaded by graduate student Robert Moore.

Lab Team Plans For Field Investigation Of Convective Initiation During The North American Monsoon.
Researchers are looking forward to returning to the field this coming summer. Plans are shaping up for a multivehicle investigation, on the Colorado Plateau this July and August, of convective initiation during the North American Monsoon.

Newest UA Arrives!
We are excited to have received our first VTOL UA from Censys Technologies, the Sentaero v2VTOL.

UNVAIL Team's publication, Go with the Flow: Estimating Wind Using Uncrewed Aircraft is selected as volume cover article and is patent pending!

UNVAIL Teams with Improving Aviation LLC to Better Understand and Fight Wildfires

Dr. Adkins announces an exciting new special issue in the journal Drones: Weather Impacts on Uncrewed Aircraft. Dr. Adkins serves as guest editor for this special issue, along with colleagues Drs. Jamey Jacob and Joachim Reuder. We would love to receive your submission!

Dr. Adkins Joins Panel Discussion at NBAA on Future WX Needs for AAM
Dr. Adkins joins NASA and FAA personnel to discuss the needs and challenges associated with weather for advanced air mobility at NBAA-BACE
Chasing Air Taxis: Eagles Simulate Drone Routes to Advance NASA Research
Dr. Adkins gives invited talk at the University of Tulsa on 'Drones for Aerial Observations'

Lab Members Complete LiDAR Training!
Two lab faculty members and students recently completed LiDAR training with LiDARUSA

Come Join Us!
We are currently recruiting undergraduate and graduate students to join the UNVAIL.
If interested, please contact Dr. Adkins at kevin.adkins@erau.edu.

Lab Presents at the 101st American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting!
The lab presented: MOVE: A Mobility Virtual Environment for Planning, Rehearsing, Collecting and Visualizing Atmospheric Observations Using MUltiple Coordinated Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, at the 21st Symposium on Meteorological Observation and Instrumentation at the 101st AMS Annual Meeting

Lab Team Wins The Student Research Symposium
Avinash Muthu Krishnan is selected as the 2020 Graduate Student Project Winner for the Fall 2020 ERAU Student Research Symposium. Congratulations Avi!

Dr. Adkins Selected As The COA Researcher Of The Year
Dr. Kevin Adkins is selected as the 2020 ERAU College of Aviation Researcher of the Year